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Our ministry exists to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship and companionship within our community. As we walk through life together we strive to fulfill several objectives:


  • Sharing Christ with others.
  • Discipling our brothers and sisters in the Word of God.
  • Assisting people as they seek God’s purpose for their lives.
  • Finding fulfillment in the life gifted to us by God.
  • Sharing with brothers and sisters in Christ the wisdom and experience gained through the journey of life.


Fellowship is an integral part of our mission, so we provide our members ample opportunity to build community and form new friendships. This is accomplished through weekly Bible Fellowship Groups, MIDWEEK Bible Study,  monthly women's meetings, and fellowships thoughout the year.



We all need connection. We all face challenges every day—relational, financial, physical, and spiritual.  Bible study and fellowship will prepare us to successfully face every challenge! The goal of our Adult Bible Groups are to create a Bible study and fellowship environment that help grow adults in their knowledge of the Bible and their passion to follow Christ in their daily living.  To build community and support as we grow in our love of Christ and each other.




Gospel?  It means good news.
As Christians, it's all too easy to forget that.
That's why we are journeying through the Gospel Project, A Christ centered, chronological bible study.

This is a drop in class offered each week and is a time to learn from the bible - from beginning to end.


Class Coordinator/Teacher:  Pastor Rick Gaither
Assistant Teachers:  Pastor Paul Dennis and Mr. Mohan Singh






Have you ever had a burning question(s) from something you heard during the Sunday messaged there just wasn't enough time and/or an appropriate place to ask those questions?  Well, your wait is over.  


This class is open for anyone who wishes to "dive deeper" into the Sunday passage and sermon.  Pastor Glenn and other leaders will lead in a discussion and question/answer time with t prayer that these conversations will help you discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Class Coordinator/Teacher:  Pastor Glenn Swanson


Christian Apologetics


Based on 1 Peter 3:15:
In Today's society and culture, many find it difficult to address and give correct biblical responses to questions about the Christian faith.
In this class, we will examine some of the tough questions society has about christianity and how you can defend the faith.
Note:  There is a cost recovery suggested donation: $15 per book

Class Coordinator/Teacher: Pastor/Elder Bob Lohr
Assistant teacher: Mr. Cory Lillard


Signs and Foreshadows of the END TIME

signs and forshadows of the end times.png

We are living in incredible times. 
Things are changing so fast we can hardly keep
up with them. We all sense that the world is moving toward some great climax.
People today are asking, where are we headed? 
What will happen next? 
And how can we be prepared? 

Our first study will examine what the Bible says about the future and what will happen prior to the second coming of Christ.

Led by Frank and Linda Collinson

Wednesdays at 6:15 PM

Midweek Bible studies were formed  for people desiring to study and to recharge with God's Word during the week.  Currently the Wednesday night group meets in the sanctuary from 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm.  Sanctuary is open for individual prayer time at 6:00 pm. and Corporate prayer meets in the Adult Bible Study room at 5:30PM. 

MIDWEEK is open to "drop-in" visitors.


Adults at all levels of Biblical knowledge support each other and grow as brothers and sisters in Christ.   The classes are in-depth studies with lively discussions and sharing.  Christian fellowship and support for one another develop as we grow spiritually stronger together

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Bayside Baptist Church

3009 Chesapeake Beach Road

Chesapeake Beach, MD  20732




  9:00AM  Prayer Gathering  

  9:30AM  Worship Service & Kids Club

11:15AM  Family Bible Study Groups


5:30PM    Prayer Gathering

6:00PM    AWANA Clubs

6:00PM    MidWeek Middle School

6:00PM    MidWeek High School

6:00PM    12nine Adult Abilities Class

6:15PM    MidWeek ReCharge Adults

7:30PM    Worship Choir Rehearsal


9:30AM-11AM Bayside Community Food Pantry


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